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松嫩平原土地沙化现状与动态变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
松嫩平原沙地主要分布于松嫩平原的中西部地区,包括松嫩沙地和科尔沁沙地的一部分.沙地分布区处于半干旱地区,年降水量在350~450 mm,是松嫩平原生态环境变化的敏感地区.采用RS和GIS集成技术,对松嫩平原1986年和2001年的沙地进行遥感解译,结合野外调查,研究松嫩平原沙地分布的现状及其动态变化.结果表明,松嫩平原土地沙化有进一步发展的趋势,2001年沙地面积比1986年增加了861.1 km2,沙地平均每年以0.44%的速度扩展.其中,重度沙地变化率最大,中度沙地面积数量增加最多,轻度沙地略有减少.  相似文献   
对新疆土地生态环境保护的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆幅员辽阔,总面积为1.6×106km2,占我国国土总面积的1/6。但新疆远离海洋,气候干燥,沙漠面积7.3×105km2,占全国沙漠总面积的2/3。生态环境脆弱,直接威胁人们的生存环境。本文叙述了新疆土地荒漠化的现状及成因和危害;开荒造田的历程;开荒造田中的经验和教训,指出了新疆土地生态环境保护中存在的主要矛盾和问题,并提出了思考和建议。  相似文献   
Dakhla depression in Egypt’s Western Desert is experiencing two soil degradation processes, notably: soil salinization and sand encroachment. The present study aimed to diagnose the severity of these processes using remote sensing. Soil salinity was determined by spectral regression analysis between tasselled cap spectral transform extracted from a Landsat-8 image acquired in September 2013 along with synchronized soil salinity measurements. Assessment of sand advance rate was conducted by temporal change detection of brilliant crescentic sand dune visualized by Google Earth in old (2002) and recent (2013) images. Results showed that salinized soils (dS/m4<) represent 91% of bare lands and salinization is attributed to aridity, topography and poor drainage. Barchan dunes north and south of Abu Tartur escarpment moved at rates of 5.9 and 3.6 m/year, respectively. The escarpment protected the majority of the depression from massive dune invasion. However, sand encroachment is clearly observed west of the depression.  相似文献   
Coastal ecosystems are complex and species rich, but are vulnerable to degradation from a variety of anthropogenic activities. Nevertheless, information on inter‐tidal community composition in the Caribbean Basin and at other oceanic sites is lacking. Such information is essential to developing a more comprehensive understanding of rocky inter‐tidal systems and their responses to global change. The goals of this study were to determine the relative importance of environmental (wave power density, wave height), habitat (e.g. algal cover, slope, complexity of rock surfaces) and anthropogenic (distance to roads, population density) factors associated with the structure of local assemblages at multiple shore heights and the regional metacommunity of mobile invertebrates on oceanic rocky inter‐tidal habitats. Environmental characteristics associated with habitat complexity (algal cover, rock surface complexity) and human population density were most strongly associated with abundance and biodiversity of invertebrates. Species richness was positively correlated with surface complexity, but abundance was negatively correlated with both surface complexity and per cent algal cover. By contrast, abundance of invertebrates was positively correlated with human population density, and diversity was negatively correlated with human population density. Abundance of invertebrates was greatest in the mid inter‐tidal zone, whereas diversity was greatest in the lower inter‐tidal zone. Metacommunity structure was Gleasonian, but the gradient along which species turnover occurred was correlated with measures of wave exposure, rather than anthropogenic activity. Unlike in previous studies, mostly at mainland sites, human activity primarily altered dominance patterns of communities, while having relatively little effect on species richness or composition.  相似文献   
本文利用1975年的MSS影像、1985~2015年TM影像等5个时期遥感影像为数据源,系统研究都兰县1975~2015年沙漠化土地动态变化趋势,旨在为都兰县沙漠化治理提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)研究区各时期沙漠化面积呈波动变化,沙漠化面积在近40年,总体减少了868.12km2;(2)1975~2015年期间,研究区土地利用属于极缓慢变化型;(3)1975~2015年研究区沙漠化土地的空间变化以稳定型为主,其中1995~2015年间逆转型沙漠化土地变化的比例明显增加。1995~2005年逆转型所占比重为27.47%;2005~2015逆转型所占比重为31.76%。并且2005~2015年间沙漠化逆转型与明显逆转型所占比重之和是沙漠化发展型与明显发展型所占比重之和的25余倍,表明研究区此阶段沙漠化治理效果显著,或气候因素有利于沙漠化逆转。  相似文献   
Desertification is an environmental issue in the world. The salt-alkalization desertification land area formed by both primary and secondary salt-alkalization has extended in a large scale, which has become a significant eco-environmental problem. Based on the characteristics of eco-environment and the situation of desertification in western Songnen plain, this paper reports the analyzes of its formation in background and cause. An early warning system on the salt-alkalization desertification is established and the GIS technology is used to abstract the information of desertification evaluation index. Supported by the integrated technology of the GIS and ANN, the orientation and quantitative result of desertification are gained, which is helpful to the eco-environment protection and resource development in western Songnen Plain.  相似文献   
Rocky desertification, a process of land degradation characterized by soil erosion and bedrock exposure, is one of the most serious land degradation problems in karst areas, and is regarded as an obstacle to local sustainable development. It is well known that human activities can accelerate rocky desertification; however, the effects of climate change on rocky desertification in karst areas are still unclear. This study focused on the effects of temperature and precipitation changes and human activities on rocky desertification in karst areas to determine the impacts of climate change and human disturbances on rocky desertification. Areas of different level of rocky desertification were obtained from Landsat TM (1987) and Landsat ETM+ (2000) images. The results show that, although the total desertification area increased by only 1.27% between 1987 and 2000, 17.73% of the slightly desertified land had degraded to a moderate or intense level, 2.01 and 15.71%, respectively. Meanwhile, between 1987 and 2000, the air temperature increased by 0.7°C, and precipitation increased by 170 mm. Statistical results indicate that the increase in precipitation was caused by heavy rainfall. In addition, under the interactive influences of heavy rainfall and temperature, the average karst dissolution rate was about 87 m3 km−2 a−1 during the 14 years in the study area. Further analysis indicated that rocky desertification was positively related with the increase in temperature and precipitation and especially with the heavy rainfall events. Climate change accelerated rocky desertification in the karst areas. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
库布齐沙漠典型地区沙漠化动态分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 以库布齐沙漠东部达拉特旗的农牧交错区为研究区域,以达拉特旗1987年、1995年、2000年和2003年四期遥感影像为信息源,在3S技术支持下,对遥感影像进行解译,获得1987—2003年来沙漠化动态变化数据,分析了该地区20世纪80年代中期到21世纪初的沙漠化变化情况,从土地流向角度探讨了沙漠化发展演变的动力机制。结果表明:该地区近20 a来,四个时期的沙漠化土地面积处于减少—增加—再增加的过程中,而沙漠化程度呈现减少—减少—增加的趋势,且2000—2003年间,是该地区沙漠化程度动态变化最大的时期。从土地流向看,各种土地类型向沙漠化土地之间的转化是导致沙漠化的一个重要原因之一,而土地利用类型之间的转化主要是由人类不合理的土地利用方式造成的。  相似文献   
以新疆艾比湖地区为研究区,通过对现有荒漠化监测指标体系的归纳分析,界定了复合荒漠化概念.利用遥感影像数据提取研究区各类荒漠化的现状与动态变化信息.研究结果表明:单一主导因子荒漠化类型面积占荒漠化土地总面积的82.29%,复合荒漠化面积占17.71%.2002~2005年,艾比湖湖面面积缩小了322.5073 km2,相应的总体土地荒漠化面积增加了7.18%,复合荒漠化面积增加了133%.土地荒漠化的过程同时也发生了变化,风蚀、复合荒漠化增加而土地盐渍化减少,荒漠化程度加重,复合荒漠化类型增加并向其他土地类型扩展.  相似文献   
为确定沙漠化对高山嵩草草甸植被组成、结构和物种多样性的影响,了解高寒区草甸沙漠化的原因,选择西藏那曲安多县南部沙漠化严重区域为调查区,按照沙漠化的不同程度设置样地,系统调查了轻度、中度、重度和极重度沙化草甸的植被变化,结果表明:中度、重度和极重度沙化区的植被与轻度沙化草甸有显著的差异;在中度和重度沙化区,高寒草甸的建群种高山嵩草已被家畜不喜食或更具抗性的植物种所取代,而在极重度沙化的流动沙丘上无植被生长;从过牧的退化草甸到半流动、流动沙丘,植物种多样性呈显著的降低趋势。轻度沙化草甸物种数、个体密度和丰富度指数最多;中度沙化草甸的Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数最大,而优势度指数最小;在沙化过程中,高寒草甸的植被盖度显著下降,地上生物量也在下降,虽然轻度、中度和重度沙化草地的地上生物量显著高于极重度沙化区,但前者之间却无显著差异。地下根系生物量也呈显著下降的趋势。过牧是造成高山嵩草草甸沙化的主要原因。  相似文献   
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